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Jour 6 : Corporéité

Decorative image for session Jour 6 : Corporéité

Mon statut pour la session

9:15 AM, Samedi 1 Juin 2024 (6 heures 45 minutes)
- EV 2.645

Jour 6 de la série de printemps des Ateliers ArtEDU


  • Elsy Zavarce
  • Victoria Stanton
  • Eija Loponen-Stephenson
  • VIA Ateliers

Chaque atelier durera une heure, suivi de 15 minutes pour les questions. Veuillez arriver 15 minutes avant le premier atelier.

Il y aura des pauses entre chaque présentation. Le dîner sera servi de 12h15 à 13h15.

Pour en savoir plus sur chaque présentateur et leur atelier, cliquez ci-dessous.

Sous sessions

9:30 AM - 10:45 AM | 1 heure 15 minutes

This workshop presents mapping as a dynamic tool for cultivating urban and environmental awareness, while also fostering community engagement. Join us in exploring the unique intersection of mapping and community involvement as we navigate the complexities of urban perceptions through open dialogue. Share personal experiences of navigating Montreal's diversity, creating a safe space where differences are embraced through collective mapping and the exchange of varied viewpoints.Throughout ...

Elsy Zavarce

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM | 1 heure 15 minutes

Even if one doesn’t do performance art, the skills and tools that come from performative practices can teach us so much about art-making: namely how the body, time and space intersect. Painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, fibres, video (and performance!) all involve a multilevel process where we build relationships to our materials and the spaces we work in, whether consciously or not. This workshop intends to open up, while slowing down, the steps of production, inviting a...

Victoria Stanton

1:15 PM - 2:30 PM | 1 heure 15 minutes

In 1977 Marshall McLuhan asked “[w]hat changes will be needed in schools, when the entire world becomes a ground for knowing and learning? (City as Classroom p.173).Inspired by the theory and history of the 1970’s unschooling movement which sought to make urban acculturation a fundamental part of elementary and high school education, this workshop explores experiential arts-based methods for learning from and with the materiality of the city. In the present period of rapid urban and techn...

Eija Loponen-Stephenson

2:45 PM - 4:00 PM | 1 heure 15 minutes

Have you ever contemplated the possibility of kindling a collective dream from a personal one, inspiring others to join, create, and share their perspectives with you? In this workshop, we craft a collective narrative that transcends storytelling. Together, we delve into the depths of creativity, employing diverse mediums and engaging our senses to weave a tapestry of imagination. It's akin to co-creating a collective dream, where the nuances of differences and the intricacies of vis...

Via Ateliers


Mon statut pour la session

Detail de session
Pour chaque session, permet aux participants d'écrire un court texte de feedback qui sera envoyé à l'organisateur. Ce texte n'est pas envoyé aux présentateurs.
Afin de respecter les règles de gestion des données privées, cette option affiche uniquement les profils des personnes qui ont accepté de partager leur profil publiquement.

Les changements ici affecteront toutes les pages de détails des sessions