Monday 12 June, 2023
- Anna Jezierski - Advancing induced pluripotent stem cell derived chimeric antigen receptor based natural killer cell therapy leveraging genome engineering approaches to advance off-the-shelf therapies
- Alejandro Álvarez Quilón - CRISPR and Base Editing Genetic Screens Enable the Discovery and Validation of Drug Targets for Precision Oncology
- Thierry Bertomeu - Large scale genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 chemogenomic KO screens reveal drug mechanisms of action and identify novel gene functions
- 4 Oral presentations selected from abstracts
Engineered proteins, mRNA constructs and genes are constructed via gene assembly or mutagenesis and cloned into a vector for expression and or scale up. Groups may either construct their sequence of interest from shorter chemically synthesized oligos, or order fragments from third-party gene synthesis companies who use chemically synthesized oligos as a starting point. Both approaches create a bottleneck in which each day ...
Deciphering genome regulation or: How I learned to stop worrying and love random DNA. Gene expression is regulated by transcription factors that work together to read cis-regulatory DNA sequences. A primary aim of my group is to decipher the “cis-regulatory code” - the rules that cells use to determine when, where, and how much genes should be expressed. While cis-regulation has proven to be exceedingly complex, recent advances in our ability to query the activ...