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The contributions of the théorie de l’énonciation to the teaching of advanced writing in the second language classroom (Tracy Heranic, Concordia University, Canada & Borja Ruiz de Arbulo, Boston University, United States)

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2:00 PM, Jeudi 29 Avr 2021 EDT (30 minutes)
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Tracy Heranic, Concordia University, Canada & Borja Ruiz de Arbulo, Boston University, United States

Title: The contributions of the théorie de l’énonciation to the teaching of advanced writing in the second language classroom

Keywords: advanced L2 learner; advanced L2 writing; théorie de l’énonciation; enunciation theory; explicit grammatical discourse; Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; CEFR; pragmatic competence; discourse competence


The articulation of linguistic theories and sound pedagogical practices in the second language (L2) classroom is a defining challenge of the field of L2 pedagogy, and yet one that still warrants the attention of both researchers and teachers today.

In looking specifically at improving L2 writing skills in advanced adult learners, our research focuses on linking tenants of the théorie de l’énonciation to solid pedagogical methods and strategies in an effort to respond to the needs of advanced L2 learners.

Establishing our definition of “advanced” language skills by way of the descriptors of pragmatic and discourse competences (as proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for B2-C2 learners), as well as grounding our linguistic perspective in the théorie de l’énonciation as elaborated by Anscombre and Ducrot (1983), Ducrot (1972, 1984, 1989), Ducrot et al. (1980), Moeschler (1985) and Roulet (1985), our presentation will demonstrate the importance of utilizing this linguistic theory in improving advanced L2 pedagogy.

We will also discuss the work of psycholinguists such as R. Ellis and Noris & Ortega (Ellis, R., 1994, 1997 ; Norris & Ortega, 2000), which support the use of explicit grammatical discourse in the adult L2 classroom, and look closely at how the explicit explanation of the théorie de l’énonciation in particular can be effectively employed to improve the L2 learner’s pragmatic and discourse competences.

Our presentation will conclude with concrete illustrations of how to put this theoretical/pedagogical articulation into action in an advanced level L2 classroom and examine some of its resulting learner productions.

Mon statut pour la session


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