Sessions in which Katie Lucas participates
segunda-feira 12 junho, 2023
3 PresentationsHelp! I have an online exam!Manasvini NarayanaWhat are we measuring, when we measure engagement?Theo StojanovReflective learning using an ePortfolio in a science seminar courseKatie Lucas For the full abstract of the presentations, please refer to the
Sessions in which Katie Lucas attends
segunda-feira 12 junho, 2023
3 PresentationsHelp! I have an online exam!Manasvini NarayanaWhat are we measuring, when we measure engagement?Theo StojanovReflective learning using an ePortfolio in a science seminar courseKatie Lucas For the full abstract of the presentations, please refer to the
3 PresentationsWindows, mirrors and sliding glass doors: Leveraging community partnerships to provide authentic learning experiences in secondary education Emily Di Nunzio and Isabella LiuSupporting collaborative learning about Nature of Science and science identity development in a high school Biology class in OntarioElena Boldyreva, Maria Niño-Soto and James D. SlottaAI ...
Link to join the live stream: https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/86300688484 “Educators collaborating to innovate: The roles digital technologies can play”As blended learning is now ...
Designing Inquiry-Based Labs for Physics and Biology: Lessons learned from practitioner-researcher partnershipsRhys Adams, Karl Laroche, Elizabeth Charles, Kevin Lenton, Michael Dugdale, Sean Hughes, Caroline Cormier, Véronique Turcotte and Chao ZhangWe report on two Inquiry-Based Laboratory (IBL) based practitioner-researcher partnerships. Our IBL implementations have evolved over 2-3 semesters, resulting in (1) a four-module sequence that culminates in a de...
Teaching Inclusive Teaching Strategies: A Game-Based ApproachMichael Reese and Reid SczerbaThis session will present an approach for teaching research-based, inclusive-pedagogical strategies in any modality. This approach is based on a card deck inspired by game design. The presenter will describe the approach and then model the workshop for participants so they can incorporate the approach in their academic departments and faculty development programs. The p...
terça-feira 13 junho, 2023
Promoting agency for pedagogical change through a science undergraduate education research course Maxime Denis, Iris Guo, Anita Parmar, Pepin Megane, Samuel Richer and Tamara WesternExecuting pedagogical change in a scholarly manner with all partners at the table is challenging. The McGill University course FSCI 396 – Research in Science Teaching and Learning pairs undergraduate students with faculty to delve into the pedagogical literature to design and...
3 PresentationsDévelopper ses compétences informationnelles à l’aide de WikipédiaDominic Hébert Sherman and Christine MarquisLeveraging knowledge synthesis practice for research skill development in undergraduate science coursesMacdonald Heather and Véronic BézaireCommunicative Competence: The role of Grammar in Teaching English as a Second LanguageMohammed Mar...
3 PresentationsTeachers as video game designers: A collective autoethnography of our experiences, challenges, and triumphs Neerusha Baurhoo-Gokool, Jason Lapointe and Terry SaropoulosThree Semesters in Minecraft: Lessons Learned from a Fully Flipped Online ClassDarren Wershler, Bart Simon and Stuart ThielJeux sérieux en réalité virtuelle pour apprendre les sciences : de la...
3 PresentationsLearning From Tool-Building: The Activity Theory Case For Agile Development of Education TechnologyJeremie ChoquetteCurious, Concerned, Confused? The need for AI Literacy for Educators Lesley Wilton, Rutwa Engineer, Stephen Ip, Clare Brett and Athena TassisAnimate to Teach and Gamify to Practice: Utilizing Authoring Tools to Create Unique E-Learning Experien...
Introducing Citizen Science in Introductory AstronomyKarim JafferLearn how students are introduced to Citizen Science in Introductory Astronomy using simple image processing techniques - with self-directed projects available for those interested in a deeper dive. Participants should download files and software to prepare for the workshop via