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Talks - T13 - Learners as Engaged Citizens

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1:30 PO POŁUDNIU, wtorek 13 cze 2023 EDT (1 godz. 15 min.)

3 Presentations

  1. Formal fun: Eduhack as an Enzymatic Initiative for Substantiative Change
    • Amarachi Onuorah, Ferdinand Ochor and Vidya Sujaya
  2. L’intégration du multiculturalisme dans un cours d'introduction à l’énergie en ligne: Stratégies et leçons de l’expérience
    • Ganna Pletnyova, Ethan Boechler, Sylvie Musongela, Rodrigo Verney Lopes Castello Branco and Jason M.K.C. Donev
  3. Cross-disciplinary courses as vehicles for climate change and sustainability education
    • Ed Hudson, Jessica Burpee and Richard Léveillé


For the full abstract of the presentations, please refer to the Conference Program

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