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S04 - Symposium

9:00 AM, Mardi 13 Juin 2023 EDT (1 heure 15 minutes)

Promoting agency for pedagogical change through a science undergraduate education research course 

  • Maxime Denis, Iris Guo, Anita Parmar, Pepin Megane, Samuel Richer and Tamara Western

Executing pedagogical change in a scholarly manner with all partners at the table is challenging. The McGill University course FSCI 396 – Research in Science Teaching and Learning pairs undergraduate students with faculty to delve into the pedagogical literature to design and assess learning activities in science courses and programs. Our symposium focuses on how the Students as Partners –driven Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in FSCI 396 fosters agency for powerful pedagogical change.


For the full abstract of the presentations, please refer to the Conference Program

McGill University, Dept. of Biochemistry
Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia
McGill University
McGill University
B.Sc. Physiology Grad
McGill University
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