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S06 - Symposium

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3:15 مساءً, الثّلاثاء 13 يونيو 2023 EDT (1 hour 15 minutes)

Facilitating Engagement, Empathy and Critical thinking through the use of videogames in a College Classroom

  • Johnathan Mina and Pascale Warmoes

This project, which received the 2021 PREP research grant, investigates the use of entertainment-based videogames as an educational tool in CEGEP courses. Our research measures whether the videogames we choose had a measurable impact on our student’s critical thinking skills and empathy levels in both a Humanities and the Special Care Counselling course. Our presentation will focus on presenting our research findings and offer a written guide to help teachers implement videogames in their courses.


For the full abstract of the presentations, please refer to the Conference Program

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