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Stephan Bourget


Physics & Sustainability Teacher
Vanier College

Sessions in which Stephan Bourget attends

الإثنين 12 يونيو, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
8:00 صباحًا
8:00 صباحًا EDT - 9:00 صباحًا EDT | 1 hour
9:00 صباحًا
9:00 صباحًا EDT - 10:15 صباحًا EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

3 PresentationsFrom conception of engineers to conception in teaching: what conditions for the training of future teachers?Abir Ouerhani, Fatima Bousadra, Nicolas-Félix Lacombe and Elijah Van HoutenAssessing the understanding of uncertainty using the CDPA in undergraduate physics laboratory courses at McGill UniversityMatheus Azevedo Silva Pessôa, Rebecca Brosseau, Kenneth Ragan, Lilian Childress and Arm...

10:15 صباحًا
10:15 صباحًا EDT - 10:45 صباحًا EDT | 30 minutes
10:45 صباحًا
10:45 صباحًا EDT - 12:00 مساءً EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

3 PresentationsDesigning Inquiry-Based Pedagogies for STEM Education: Connecting Theory and Practice Shanmugavalli Narayanan and Anila AsgharThe role of the teacher in a project-based course in higher educationHélène Nadeau and Sylvia CoxDesigning and implementing a case-based instructional approach to a microeconomics course based on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learni...

12:00 مساءً
12:00 مساءً EDT - 1:30 مساءً EDT | 1 hour 30 minutes
1:30 مساءً
1:30 مساءً EDT - 1:45 مساءً EDT | 15 minutes
1:45 مساءً
1:45 مساءً EDT - 3:00 مساءً EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

Link to join the live stream: “Educators collaborating to innovate: The roles digital technologies can play”As blended learning is now ...

3:00 مساءً
3:00 مساءً EDT - 3:15 مساءً EDT | 15 minutes
3:15 مساءً
3:15 مساءً EDT - 4:30 مساءً EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

Designing Inquiry-Based Labs for Physics and Biology: Lessons learned from practitioner-researcher partnershipsRhys Adams, Karl Laroche, Elizabeth Charles, Kevin Lenton, Michael Dugdale, Sean Hughes, Caroline Cormier, Véronique Turcotte and Chao ZhangWe report on two Inquiry-Based Laboratory (IBL) based practitioner-researcher partnerships. Our IBL implementations have evolved over 2-3 semesters, resulting in (1) a four-module sequence that culminates in a de...

الثّلاثاء 13 يونيو, 2023

Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 صباحًا
9:00 صباحًا EDT - 10:15 صباحًا EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

A hands-on educational kit showcasing ethical and responsible use of AI to solve a societal issueMeghrig Terzian, Mauricio Buschinelli, Ann-Louise Davidson, Kristen Irvine and Tarik BikhandafneThis activity is a practical demonstration for teachers in STEM of how ethical and responsible AI can be used in the classroom to tackle a societal issue. Participants will use a Raspberry PI and sensors to read data and make AI decisions. The activity is one of three p...

9:00 صباحًا EDT - 10:15 صباحًا EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

3 PresentationsTeachers as video game designers: A collective autoethnography of our experiences, challenges, and triumphs Neerusha Baurhoo-Gokool, Jason Lapointe and Terry SaropoulosThree Semesters in Minecraft: Lessons Learned from a Fully Flipped Online ClassDarren Wershler, Bart Simon and Stuart ThielJeux sérieux en réalité virtuelle pour apprendre les sciences : de la...

10:15 صباحًا
10:15 صباحًا EDT - 10:45 صباحًا EDT | 30 minutes
10:45 صباحًا
10:45 صباحًا EDT - 12:00 مساءً EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

Link to join the live stream: “Overcoming Challenges in Active Learning Environments”Despite active learning being recognized as a superior method of instruction in the classroom, most c...

12:00 مساءً
12:00 مساءً EDT - 1:30 مساءً EDT | 1 hour 30 minutes
1:30 مساءً
1:30 مساءً EDT - 2:45 مساءً EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

3 PresentationsDétection des risques d’échec et d’abandon dans des cours d’informatiqueGagnon Iannick, Eric Francoeur, Amel Guedidi and Normand RoyContending with the challenge of qualitative assessment at scale—Learnings from the implementation of two different approaches to application-based group projects in a large-scale freshman physics course for Life Sciences students Rebecca Brosseau and Nik...

2:45 مساءً
2:45 مساءً EDT - 3:15 مساءً EDT | 30 minutes
3:15 مساءً
3:15 مساءً EDT - 4:30 مساءً EDT | 1 hour 15 minutes

Introducing Citizen Science in Introductory AstronomyKarim JafferLearn how students are introduced to Citizen Science in Introductory Astronomy using simple image processing techniques - with self-directed projects available for those interested in a deeper dive. Participants should download files and software to prepare for the workshop via