Sessions in which Véronic Bézaire participates
الثّلاثاء 13 يونيو, 2023
3 PresentationsDévelopper ses compétences informationnelles à l’aide de WikipédiaDominic Hébert Sherman and Christine MarquisLeveraging knowledge synthesis practice for research skill development in undergraduate science coursesMacdonald Heather and Véronic BézaireCommunicative Competence: The role of Grammar in Teaching English as a Second LanguageMohammed Mar...
Sessions in which Véronic Bézaire attends
الإثنين 12 يونيو, 2023
Implementation of Case Studies in Scientific DisciplinesBeth Acton and Tania PeresCase studies provide an authentic learning activity by stimulating students' critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. This workshop will guide science teachers in successfully integrating case studies into their curriculum by providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the best practices for case study design and implementation. During the worksho...
Link to join the live stream: https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/86300688484 “Educators collaborating to innovate: The roles digital technologies can play”As blended learning is now ...