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OUR MISSION: A new generation of knowledge creators


Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership: The Pilimmaksarniq / Pijariuqsarniq Project supports Inuit and Inuvialuit to become leaders within their communities in all areas of the arts, by providing innovative, hands-on mentoring and training opportunities across the north and south. Our Inuit Futures Ilinniaqtuit (students / learners) undertake their own research in the arts, participate in other Inuit-led artistic projects, or gain valuable skills and knowledge by participating in paid internships within our network of arts institutions across the North and South. These experiences improve their readiness for careers in the arts across the North and South as well as creating a new generation of knowledge creators.

The Pilimmaksarniq / Pijariuqsarniq Project is led by an all-Inuit team of researchers and arts practitioners from across Inuit Nunangat (the four Inuit regions of Canada), and includes dedicated partners from colleges and universities across Canada, Arctic arts organizations, and southern arts institutions that have committed to fostering and developing Inuit talent for long term success.

Inuit Futures in Arts Leadership: The Pilimmaksarniq / Pijariuqsarniq Project is grounded in Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit. We emphasize pilimmaksarniq / pijariuqsarniq, the Inuit societal values of developing skills and knowledge through observation, mentoring, practice, and effort.

About Inuit Futures