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Using IBM Watson Assistant in Moodle - Use cases

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3:00 PM, Thursday 9 Feb 2023 (30 minutes)
J.W. McConnell Building (LB) - 4TH SPACE   Virtual session
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In this session, presenters will focus on the potential of integration of intelligent assistants (chatbots) into online Moodle courses, using IBM Watson Assistant Technology.

The first use case is called “Professor support”. It demonstrates the possibility of integrating chatbots into Moodle courses, MOOCs or trainings, in order to enhance learning, facilitate content browsing and save time when answering frequently asked questions.

The second use case is called “Activities recommender”. This chatbot was developed to support the team when choosing the appropriate graded or ungraded activity. This chatbot encompasses the in-house knowledge and expertise in the development of educational activities in Moodle. It avoids going through complex diagrams or decision trees, and uses simple questions/answers. The chatbot then provides the link to the appropriate documentation for the instructions to follow.

Please click here to access the presentation.

Who's Attending

Jennifer McCance
Learning Experience Designer
Cynthia Sarette
KnowledgeOne inc.
Vanessa McCance
LxD, UDL Specialist
KnowledgeOne / eConcordia
Paul Fournier
Director Digital Transformation
Concordia University
Walaa Ali
Concordia University
Kate Robayo Sheridan
Concordia University
Azfar Adib
Doctoral Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Concordia University

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