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Channeling Negative to Positive: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Uncover EDI Learning Stories

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10:30 AM, Mercredi 26 Avr 2023 (30 minutes)
Pause   11:00 AM à 11:30 AM (30 minutes)
In-person Session

This session presents results from a qualitative study of Canadian academic librarians’ learning experiences related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). Our central research question is: “What makes EDI learning transformative and impactful for academic librarians?” In order to answer this question, we conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 20 academic librarians, using Appreciative Inquiry as a framework. Appreciative Inquiry is a strengths-based approach to personal and organizational change based on “the assumption that questions and dialogue about strengths, successes, values, hopes, and dreams are themselves transformational” (Whitney & Trosten-Bloom, 2010). The interview data was analyzed thematically using open coding and synthesized to convey emerging narratives and themes.

In the presentation, we will highlight some key findings related to learning transformations reported by participants in the context of their work as academic librarians. For example, self-reflection and social learning were two of the experiences that participants most frequently reported as meaningful and impactful. Realizations included positionality and making sense of one’s own identity, learning through discomfort, understanding one’s impact on others, and recognizing biases or gaps in their previous thinking.

In addition, in keeping with the spirit of the Library Research Forum, we will provide reflections on our use of Appreciative Inquiry for eliciting individual narratives of EDI learning. For example, we found that the Appreciative Inquiry approach helped participants reflect on the learning, whether it stemmed from a negative or positive experience, giving the reflection more depth and making it more multifaceted. At the same time, we came to realize that some of our interview questions and underlying assumptions could be problematic. For example, although our study focused on the learning processes, it was not always possible for participants to pinpoint what has been learned and the process to get there, as learning could build up from various experiences and happen in a subconscious way. We hope that our reflections on our approach can inform future inquiries in this area.

Overall, attendees will gain insight into the types of learning experiences and environments that can lead to shifts or changes in understandings of EDI as well as further directions for related research that is humanist in approach and framed toward positive potential.

Whitney, D. Kaplin., & Trosten-Bloom, A. (2010). The power of appreciative inquiry: A practical guide to positive change (2nd ed.). Berrett-Koehler Publishers.



Megan Fitzgibbons


Chloe Lei


Mon statut pour la session



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