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Keynote Address - Champions of Accessibility: A Call to Action for LIS Practitioners

Mon statut pour la session

9:30 AM, Mercredi 26 Avr 2023 (1 heure)
In-person Session

LIS practitioners are recognized as having deep expertise in information; in its collection, description, preservation, safeguarding, and, up to a point, in making it accessible. Let’s note the milestones achieved in making digital information accessible, and determine the distance yet to travel in making it accessible for all. What makes digital information accessible for everyone? What is the social and legal importance of accessibility? What are the policies and practices, nationally and internationally, that underpin it? How do we enshrine accessibility as an integral part of our professional practice and deepen our expertise and proficiency in this area?



Victoria Owen

Invité.e d'honneur

Mon statut pour la session


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