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Beyond the academic paper: Turning research into advocacy

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3:00 PM, Mardi 25 Avr 2023 (30 minutes)
  Session virtuelle
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Virtual Session

Since 2018 we have been investigating the 2017-2019 parliamentary review of the Copyright Act, focusing on the recommendations made to the review committee for changes to fair dealing and other topics relevant to libraries and higher education. A new review of the Copyright Act was expected to be announced in late 2022 so in the past year we have shifted our focus to think about how this research might support copyright advocacy in libraries and library organizations.This has us thinking about dissemination beyond the journal article. How can we use our findings to support libraries, institutions, and organizations addressing copyright legislation?

In this session we will use our research project as the framing for a conversation around mobilizing research beyond traditional academic outputs in order to contribute to broader professional discourse. Our aim is to contribute to the library sector’s ability to participate in public conversations and advocate for the values that form the core of library work.



Stephanie Savage


Jennifer Zerkee


Will Power-Jenkins


Mon statut pour la session



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