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Thème 2: Microsystèmes photoniques

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2:00 PM, Thursday 16 Jun 2022 (1 hour 30 minutes)
- Amphithéâtre 1.210

 Présidence/animation : Wei Shi, Université Laval

Conférence 5 : Wei Shi, Université Laval
Conférence 6 : Velko Tzolov, NRC Advanced Electronics and Photonics Research Centre
Conférence 7 : Michèle Desjardins, Université Laval

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Click under each sub-session to see the summary of the presentation 

Sub Sessions

2:00 PM - 2:30 PM | 30 minutes

 Titre et résumé : À venir 

Wei Shi

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM | 30 minutes

*Conference in EnglishTitle: An overview of the Advanced Electronics and Photonics Research Centre of the National Research Council of Canada The presentation will provide an overview of some of the photonics technology platforms being developed at the Advanced Electronics and Photonics Research Centre of the National Research Council of Canada. It will also provide an overview of the Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre and the ongoing major $90...

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM | 30 minutes

*Conférence bilingue anglais et français *Bilingual conference in English and French Multiscale neuro-vascular optical imaging in the mouse brainOptical imaging of the living mouse brain provides invaluable data towards understanding the function and interaction of neurons and blood vessels, which are central to fundamental and pre-clinical neuroscience. In this talk, I will present

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