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Conférence 4 : Revealing the invisible : how photonics, quantum and magnetism can change the way we see our world

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11:50 AM, Thursday 16 Jun 2022 (30 minutes)
- Amphithéâtre 1.210

*Bilingual conference, English and French

Magnetic fields are invisible, yet central to all navigation systems and provide the initial clues to the discovery of critical minerals powering every battery. Omipresence of magnetism is its biggest strength and weakness – everything is affected by it and contributes to it. Hence, understanding our magnetic environment is paramount to exploit the potential of high precision magnetometers.

SBQuantum is developing a Magnetics Intelligence system to enhance the tolerance to magnetics environment effects and generate richer datasets for end users. The system combines a novel diamond-based quantum magnetometer and algorithms to translate magnetic fields into user relevant data. In this presentation, I will overview three main usecases where the user needs translate into different technical requirements and our strategy to quickly prototype photonics out of the lab.

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