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2.4 - Embodiment of a Beginner’s Mind through Handspinning

Mon statut pour la session

2:45 PM, Dimanche 5 Mai 2024 (1 heure 15 minutes)
- EV 2.645
If you have never tried handspinning before and have a passion for teaching art then this workshop might be for you, as we delve into the tactile world of wool and spinning with a drop spindle for the first time! We will explore together the power of embracing openness, humility, and patience in teaching, drawing from concepts in Crafting Phenomenological Research by Mark D Vagle and the “Shoshin” or “beginners mind” of Zen Buddhism. 

Starting with a hands-on lesson on using a drop spindle, ethically sourcing and preparing wool, educators will come away with a renewed sense of appreciation for the challenges and triumphs of learning a new skill. This haptic experience sets the stage for a reflective 30-minute discussion, where we explore our insights of navigating unfamiliarity while uncovering key phenomenological concepts in research and knowledge formation in an environment which fosters creativity and skill development at any level.

Vanessa Randall


Mon statut pour la session

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