Ingrid Muschta
Sessions in which Ingrid Muschta attends
Monday 27 May, 2024
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
9:00 AM
9:00 AM -
10:00 AM |
1 hour
Indigenous Welcome: Elder Mary-Lee Anayok Concordia Welcome: Sandra GabrieleOCAD U Welcome: Jutta TreveranusThe lighting of the quiliq will begin promptly at 9:00. Please arrive promptly. Late arrivals please go to room EFG or enter AB/CD quietly and wait at the back of the room until the end of the ceremony to find a spot at a table.
1:30 PM
1:30 PM -
2:30 PM |
1 hour
How, can we reshape education so that every learner can fully realize their potential throughout their lifetime? Provocateur: Catherine RoyFacilitator: Ingrid PalmerEnglish Captions: Captions: Notebook: