Knee kinematics feature selection for surgical and nonsurgical arthroplasty candidate characterization
Amine Ben Arous, Michael Dunbar, Alexandre Fuentes, Glen Richardson, Neila Mezghani
Keywords: Knee Kinematic, Biomechanical data, Feature selection, Complexity measures, Arthroplasty
The purpose of this study is to investigate a method to select a set of knee kinematic data features to characterize
surgical vs nonsurgical arthroplasty subjects. The kinematic features are generated from 3D knee kinematic data
patterns, namely, rotations of flexion-extension, abduction-adduction, and tibial internal-external recorded during
a walking task on a dedicated treadmill. The discrimination features are selected using three types of statistical
complexity measures: the Fisher discriminant ratio, volume of overlap region, and feature efficiency. The interclass
distance measurements which the features thus selected induce demonstrate their effectiveness to characterize surgical
and nonsurgical subjects for arthroplasty.