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Individualizing oral corrective feedback practices in post-secondary ESL context (Alina Lemak, York University, Canada)

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9:00 AM, Thursday 29 Apr 2021 EDT (30 minutes)
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Alina Lemak, York University, Canada

Title: Individualizing oral corrective feedback practices in post-secondary ESL context

Keywords: corrective feedback; personality; individualized instruction; ESL; mixed-methods


Corrective feedback (CF) has been shown to be an effective instructional technique (Lyster & Saito, 2010; Russell & Spada, 2006), and most existing CF research assumes that all learners benefit equally from CF. However, that assumption has been questioned, and researchers have become more aware of the mediating role individual differences (IDs) play in CF effectiveness (Ammar & Spada, 2006; Sheen, 2007). It has become apparent that learners may differ in their ability and preparedness to benefit from CF, yet that is infrequently reflected in teacher training programs and teacher practice (Han, 2002). Furthermore, although personality traits have been shown to influence learning outcomes (Diseth, 2003; Robinson, Gabriel, & Katchan, 1994) the existing research in this area presents inconsistent findings (Sharp, 2008; Dörnyei & Skehan, 2003). The influence of learners’ personality traits on CF effectiveness is virtually neglected. I conducted a study to fill this gap by investigating how learners with different personalities respond to, and benefit from, different types of oral CF.

Using a mixed-method approach to data collection and analysis, this study took place in a class of adult English as second language learners in a post-secondary context. Data collection included a personality test, video recordings of classroom activities, observations, and 8 individual interviews/stimulated-recall procedures. Findings revealed differences in learner preferences for (and perceived effectiveness of) different CF techniques, with learner personality appearing to play an important role in these preferences. The pedagogical implication of this research, in particular how teachers’ oral CF strategies can be adjusted in order to optimize learning through individualized CF instruction, based on student personality and preferences, will be emphasized. Other findings, both, unexpected, and those in support of existing literature, will be discussed. The presentation will conclude with an overview of theoretical implications, study limitations, and directions for further research.

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