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Session 3 (Plurilingualism) - Session Chair: Angelica Galante

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4:00 PM, Thursday 29 Apr 2021 EDT (1 hour 30 minutes)
  Virtual session
This session is in the past.
The virtual space is closed.

Sub Sessions

4:00 PM EDT - 4:30 PM EDT | 30 minutes

Maria Chiras, McGill University, Canada Title: How Effective Are Monolingual Language, Writing, and Assessment Practices for Multilingual Students in English courses in College? An Exploration of Multilingual Pedagogical Perspectives Keywords: Multilingual Students; Monolingual Language Writing and Assessment Practices; M...

4:30 PM EDT - 5:00 PM EDT | 30 minutes

John Wayne Dela Cruz, Mcgill University, Canada Title: “I subtitle myself”: The case of ESL student tutors and tutees’ plurilingual pedagogical strategies in a francophone college. Keywords: plurilingualism; peer-to-peer learning; ESL Abstract:

5:00 PM EDT - 5:30 PM EDT | 30 minutes

Angelica Galante, Maria Chiras, John Wayne Dela Cruz & Lana Zeaiter, McGill University, Canada Title: Why separate languages in the classroom if they are inseparable in our brain? The case for plurilingual pedagogy Keywords: plurilingual ped...

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