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“Let's work together!”: The Effects of Peer Feedback on Pronunciation by Second Language Learners in Mobile-assisted Language Learning Context (Yuhui Huang, McGill University, Canada)

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1:30 PM, Thursday 29 Apr 2021 EDT (30 minutes)
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Yuhui Huang, McGill University, Canada

Title: “Let's work together!”: The Effects of Peer Feedback on Pronunciation by Second Language Learners in Mobile-assisted Language Learning Context

Keywords: Pronunciation teaching; Peer feedback; Mobile-assisted Language Learning


Previous studies have found that during peer interaction, learners are able to help their peers produce accurate language through feedback and to spontaneously self-correct their own errors more often than when interacting with teachers (Sato & Lyster, 2012). However, few studies have focused on the integration of peer feedback in pronunciation teaching and learning. In order to fill this gap and investigate the effects of peer feedback on improving learners’ pronunciation, the present study used a popular instant messaging application in China, WeChat, to build a supportive learning community in which Chinese English learners can feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback to each other.

Thirty-two participants were recruited and randomly assigned to three different groups: a control group (no feedback; n = 10), a teacher feedback group (n = 11), and a peer feedback group (n = 11). Each day during five consecutive days, all L2 learners read aloud a paragraph using voice messages in their corresponding groups, after which learners in the two treatment groups received feedback targeting their mispronunciation either from an ESL teacher or from their peers.

A pretest, an immediate post-test and a delayed post-test were conducted in terms of controlled reading. The audio-recorded speech samples were rated by six native English speakers for analyses. The two treatment groups also completed online questionnaires regarding their perceptions of and affective responses to providing and receiving feedback.

Results revealed that both treatment groups significantly outperformed the control group on comprehensibility at the immediate post-test, but not on the delayed post-test. The same treatment effect was not detected in their accentedness. L2 learners in the peer feedback group reported positive attitude and beliefs regarding providing feedback to and receiving feedback from other learners.

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