Constance Denis
Elle/ She
Constance Denis, Ph. D., est conseillère pédagogique à l’usage pédagogique du numérique à la Faculté d’éducation de l’Université de Sherbrooke. Elle participe au développement et à la mise en ligne de ressources pédagogiques à l’intention des conseiller·ère·s pédagogiques de l’enseignement supérieur du Québec. Diplômée en 2020 au doctorat en éducation, elle s’est principalement intéressée à l’encadrement aux cycles supérieurs et plus précisément à l’alliance pédagogique que forment le directeur de recherche et le doctorant. Forte d’une expérience de conseil pédagogique au sein de Service de soutien à la formation (SSF) et d’une collaboration avec l’incubateur d’innovations pédagogiques (i2p) de l’Université de Sherbrooke, elle se passionne pour la formation pédagogique au supérieur et à l’intégration des technologies dans ce contexte.
Sessions in which Constance Denis attends
segunda-feira 12 junho, 2023
The story of Interprofessional Education: Designing a program within programsTim Miller and Krista BulowDiscover how a team of medical technology teachers has been able to design an Interprofessional Education approach to teaching across their 7 programs. Hear directly from the team on how they found creative solutions around common barriers and how these have directly influenced some the more impactful learning opportunities for the students.&nbsp...
La créativité pour métisser nos pratiques : un empuissancement pédagogiqueStéphanie Granger and Caroline ChouinardThis workshop visually explores the inner world of others through an interdisciplinary approach that interweaves two disciplines in a pedagogical conversation to stimulate creativity as a process with hands-on material. Specifically, participants extract the key elements of a classic letter, reinvest them in inventive writing, sketch contemporary ...
Link to join the live stream: https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/86300688484 “Educators collaborating to innovate: The roles digital technologies can play”As blended learning is now ...
2 PresentationsDesigning for Collaborative Design-Based Research within a University Teacher Education Context Marta Kobiela, Enista Sharonne Chiniah, Midhat KiyaniCollaborative Curriculum Visioning and Analysis using CourseFlowEva Mary Bures For the full abstract of the presentations, please refer to the
terça-feira 13 junho, 2023
3 PresentationsCollaboration Nurtures Grassroots Professional Development Rebecca Peters and Chloé CollinsI-MersionCP : un dispositif de formation et de recherche pour les personnes conseillères pédagogiques du supérieurFlorian Meyer, Christelle Lison, Sonia Proust-Androwkha, Félix Arguin, Constance Denis and Elsa PaukovicsUse of Educational Technology in Resource Constra...
Link to join the live stream: https://concordia-ca.zoom.us/j/86349273320 “Overcoming Challenges in Active Learning Environments”Despite active learning being recognized as a superior method of instruction in the classroom, most c...
3 PresentationsProfiter pleinement du potentiel des téléphones intelligents dans sa pratique pédagonumériqueRyan W. Moon and Kim BurtonInfluential Trends: Information for Faculty Concerning Technologies for Students with Disabilities Catherine Fichten, Alice Havel, Christine Vo and Guissou Iravani-ManeshAccessible from the Outset: Embedding Universal Design for Learning Pr...
3 PresentationsLearning From Tool-Building: The Activity Theory Case For Agile Development of Education TechnologyJeremie ChoquetteCurious, Concerned, Confused? The need for AI Literacy for Educators Lesley Wilton, Rutwa Engineer, Stephen Ip, Clare Brett and Athena TassisAnimate to Teach and Gamify to Practice: Utilizing Authoring Tools to Create Unique E-Learning Experien...