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Beth Acton
John Abbott College
Rhys Adams
Vanier College
Rosetta Antonacci
Assistant Professor, Ingram School of Nursing


Ph.D Student, McGill University
Janette Barrington
Education Consultant, McGill University Office of Science Education
Neerusha Baurhoo Gokool
Assistant Professor , Université de Montréal
Véronic Bézaire
Instructor, Carleton University
Heather Bilkes
Teacher & Program Coordinator in Nursing, Champlain College, Lennoxville
Elena Boldyreva
University of Toronto
Valerie Bourassa
Ph.D. Candidate, McGill
Rebecca Brosseau
McGill University
Krista Bulow
Instructor Physiotherapy Technology Dept., Dawson College
Eva Mary Bures
l'Université Bishop's
Garrick Burron
University of Toronto
Mauricio Buschinelli
John Abbott College


Tim Campbell
Vanier College
Saul Carliner
Professor, Concordia University
Kevin Casey
Teacher, Vanier College
Amanda Cervantes
McGill University
Liz Charles
Dawson College (SALTISE)
Tanya Chichekian
Université de Sherbrooke
Enista Sharonne Chiniah
Research Assistant, McGill University
Caroline Chouinard
Professor, Cégep marie-victorin
Caroline Cormier
Cégep André-Laurendeau
Sylvia Cox
Dawson College


Ann-Louise Davidson
Concordia University
Maxime Denis
Assistant Professor, McGill University, Dept. of Biochemistry
Hannah Derue
PhD Candidate, McGill University
Félix Desgagné-Doyon
Observatoire interuniversitaire sur les pratiques innovantes d'évaluation des apprentissages
Jean-François Désilets
Professeur, College Montmorency
Sacha Des Rosiers
Dawson College
Emily Di Nunzio
Teacher, University of Toronto Schools
Eva Dobler
Teaching and Learning Consultant, McGill University
Michael Dugdale
John Abbott College


Margo Echenberg
Academic Associate, McGill University Teaching and Learning Services (TLS)
Rutwa Engineer
University of Toronto


Catherine Fichten
Prof Dawson College, Dawson College Adaptech Research Network
Eric Francoeur
École de technologie superieure


Julie Gagné
Enseignante de français, Cégep Vanier
Vanessa Gordon
Dawson College
Stephanie Granger
Visual Arts Teacher, Cégep marie-victorin
Adina Gray
University Instructor, Thompson Rivers University
Amel Guedidi
PhD candidate , Université de Montréal
Iris Guo
University of British Columbia


Alice Havel
Adaptech Research Network
Dominic Hébert Sherman
Professeur, Cégep de Saint-Jérôme
Ed Hudson
chemistry teacher, John Abbott College
Sean Hughes
Instructor - Science Program Coordinator, John Abbott


Kristen Irvine
Research Assistant, Concordia University, Department of Education


Karim Jaffer
Physics Prof. & Honours Science Coordinator, John Abbott College
Krista Johansen
Tufts University School of Medicine


Oxana Kapoustina
McGill University
Marta Kobiela
McGill University
Ayca Koseoglu
Researcher, McGill University


William Landry
Faculty Lecturer, McGill University
Jason Lapointe
John Abbott College
Karl Laroche
Vanier College
Camila Lee
Instructional Designer & Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Kevin Lenton
Vanier College
Reisa Levine
Dawson College
Katie Lucas
Instructor, Carleton University


Florian Meyer
Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Tim Miller
Dawson College
Johnathan Mina
Lasalle college
Ryan W. Moon
Education Consultant, Cégep à distance


Hélène Nadeau
Dawson College
Manasvini Narayana
Manager, Online Exams, Concordia University


Amarachi Onuorah
Communication and Engagement Coordinator Intern, McGill University


Nick Park
Vanier College
Laura Pavelka
Faculty Lecturer, McGill University
Heather Pearson
Ph.D. Candidate, McGill University
Tania Peres
Chemistry Instructor, John Abbott College
Rebecca Peters
Professeure d'anglais, Cégep Édouard-Montpetit
Marie-Claude Petit
Chargée de cours, École des sciences de la gestion UQAM
Ganna Pletnyova
Learning Technologies Specialist (Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning), Adjunct Assistant Professor (School of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Cultures), University of Calgary
Bruno Poellhuber
Université de Montréal
Nikolas Provatas
McGill University


Ken Ragan
Professor, McGill University
Mike Reese
Associate Dean, Johns Hopkins University
Samuel Richer
McGill University
Melissa Rivosecchi
Teaching & Research Librarian, Social Sciences, Concordia University Library
Julie Rose
Research Professional & PhD Student, UQAM
Normand Roy
Université de Montréal


Carolyn Samuel
McGill University
Terry Saropoulos
Biology, Vanier College
Amanda Saxe
Academic Associate, McGill University
Leslie Schneider
Visual Classrooms, Inc.
Reid Sczerba
Digital Solutions Designer, Johns Hopkins University
Carolyn Sealfon
Research Scholar and Teaching Faculty, Ronin Institute and University of Toronto
Vincent Sicotte
College Montmorency
Suhanya Sinnathurai
Faculty Lecturer, McGill University
Marcy Slapcoff
Director, Office of Science Education; Senior Academic Associate, McGill University
Kira Smith
McGill University
Robert Stephens
Dawson College
Theo Stojanov
Instructional Designer, McGill University


Meghrig Terzian
Computer Science Teacher, John Abbott College
Stuart Thiel
Faculty, Concordia University
Emma Tomiuk
McGill University
chantal tremblay
Université du Québec à Montréal
Véronique Turcotte
Cégep André-Laurendeau


Linda Varekamp
Communications Officer, McGill University


Pascale Warmoes
Professor, Lasalle college
Darren Wershler
Concordia University
Tamara Western
McGill University
Joel Wiebe
University of Toronto
Laura Winer
McGill University


Armin Yazdani
McGill University


Lee Zentner
Professor, Collegial International Sainte Anne

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