Annelise Thornton
Sessions in which Annelise Thornton attends
Not scheduled
Childhood obesity and physical inactivity are growing problems across Canada, so the concept of physical literacy is used to promote physical activity (PA) participation in children. When children increase their PA participation, their exposure to musculoskeletal injury is also increased, but the concepts of physical literacy do not address...
According to the oxidative stress theory, reactive species are key drivers of inflammation and cardiovascular disease (1). The electron transport chain of the mitochondria accounts for ≈90 of the intracellular radioactive oxygen species (2). Interestingly, while low-carbohydrate high-protein diets promote weight loss, animal experiments show that they could also lead to mitochondrial dysfunction and therefore, oxidative stress and inflammation (3). In parallel, research in the last decade has...
Although social distancing directives are important public health measures to reduce the spread of SARS-cov-2, they can contribute to negative emotional outcomes such as loneliness due to the isolation. Furthermore, individuals have been reporting poorer sleep quality since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to...
Introduction: Right to left asymmetries in body composition has been examined across many sports, suggesting possible implications for lower back pain (LBP) and decreased level performance. However, we are not aware of any study that has examined the presence and implications of morphological asymmetries in ice hockey players. The purpose of this study was to 1) investigate body composition asymmetries in female and male university level ice hockey players and 2) examine whether the degree of...
Background: Recovery kinetics following cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) have yet not been described in people with OSA and comorbid insomnia (COMISA). Our objectives were to i) describe heart rate recovery (HRR), oxygen recovery slopes (VO2/t) and time to half recovery of VO2max (T½) following CPET in COMISA; and ii) investigate their response to either one of the following: 16 weeks of exercise training (Ex) or 8 week-relaxation control intervention followed by 8 weeks of exercise an...
Context: While soccer is considered a lateral dominant sport, few studies have examined if limb dominancy leads to asymmetries in body composition and their possible associations with injury (1). Objective: The purpose of this study was to 1) investigate body composition morphological asymmetries in male and female university-level soccer players, and 2) examine whether the degree of body composition asymmetry is associated with lower leg injuries (LLI) and lower back pain (LBP...
Thursday 13 May, 2021
Join us to learn about the multidisciplinary research taking place at the PERFORM Centre from Concordia’s top scientists. The student scientific event subcommittee conducted individual interviews with several PERFORM researchers to learn about their research and academic journey. The interviews will be streamed during the event and will be followed by Q&A session with the researchers to answer any question you may have. We are looking forward to having you!