Shauna Ericksen
Sessions in which Shauna Ericksen attends
Monday 10 May, 2021
The following posters will be presented:2:45pm-2:50pmThe Child Focused Injury Risk Screening Tool (ChildFIRST) - Normative Values, Correlations, and Sex Differences for a group of Children aged 8-12Presented by: Matthew B. Miller2:50pm-2:55pmArt-based Rehabilitation Therapy (ART) for Sensorimotor Recovery Post-stroke: A Pilot StudyPresented by: April Christiansen2:55pm-3:00pmWhite matter micros...
Tuesday 11 May, 2021
The following posters will be presented:10:45am-10:50amThe Belief in Health Benefits of Digital Play Modulates Physiological Responses to Games Played for Cognitive BenefitsPresented by: Sasha Elbaz10:50am-10:55amEffects of Injury Prevention Strategies on the Biomechanics and Neuromuscular Performance of Fundamental Movement Skills in Children and Adolescents.Presented by: John A. Jimenez-Garcia10:55am-11:00am
Sleep and circadian disturbances are common and represent risk factors for the development of some of the most prevalent and challenging chronic illnesses, such as cardio-metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders.Circadian rhythms are ubiquitous in all organisms. These rhythms, maintained through a complex molecular transcription-translation feedback loop are present throughout the brain and body, and play a key role in the regulation of nearly all physiological and behavioral processes. S...
Thursday 13 May, 2021
An innovative workshop aimed to help attendees develop effective presentation skills. Colleen brings a unique actor’s perspective to communicating with an audience. Effective communication starts with self-awareness, authenticity and passion for the message. The key is learning how to convey these elements in a manner that connects and resonates with the audience. This workshop is highly interactive and includes movement, visualization, warm-up exercises, practice presentations and...