Christina Weiss
Sessions in which Christina Weiss attends
Not scheduled
Background: Recovery kinetics following cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) have yet not been described in people with OSA and comorbid insomnia (COMISA). Our objectives were to i) describe heart rate recovery (HRR), oxygen recovery slopes (VO2/t) and time to half recovery of VO2max (T½) following CPET in COMISA; and ii) investigate their response to either one of the following: 16 weeks of exercise training (Ex) or 8 week-relaxation control intervention followed by 8 weeks of exercise an...
Although social distancing directives are important public health measures to reduce the spread of SARS-cov-2, they can contribute to negative emotional outcomes such as loneliness due to the isolation. Furthermore, individuals have been reporting poorer sleep quality since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study is to...
Monday 10 May, 2021
The following posters will be presented:11:00am-11:05amThe Potential of Probiotics in Preventing Diet-Induced Mitochondrial DysfunctionPresented by: Antoine St-Amant11:05am-11:10amBody composition asymmetries in university ice hockey players and their implications for lower back pain and lower limb injuryPresented by: Tiziana Resta11:10am-11:15amCellular senescence is similar between regio...
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) are two established techniques which allow monitoring brain health non-invasively. With the foundation of our seminal NIRS-DCS work on neonates, we are developing novel devices and approaches to better quantify cerebral blood oxygenation, cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism in the clinical setting both in children and adults. In particular, in the last few years we have made substantial progress on D...
The following posters will be presented:2:45pm-2:50pmThe Child Focused Injury Risk Screening Tool (ChildFIRST) - Normative Values, Correlations, and Sex Differences for a group of Children aged 8-12Presented by: Matthew B. Miller2:50pm-2:55pmArt-based Rehabilitation Therapy (ART) for Sensorimotor Recovery Post-stroke: A Pilot StudyPresented by: April Christiansen2:55pm-3:00pmWhite matter micros...
Tuesday 11 May, 2021
Sleep is important for memory consolidation and cognitives performances during the day. There is increasing evidence that brain oscillations during sleep play a central role in such processes. This presentation will review recent work from our lab on the interplay between brain rhythms during sleep, memory consolidation and age-related cognitive decline. We will also discuss recent data showing the impact of sleep disturbances on cognitive functions, as well as the effects o...
Wednesday 12 May, 2021
Regional brain function is determined by its local structure and connectivity. I will present work from our lab that strives to quantify connectivity for applications in healthy development and understanding the impact of disease - focusing on understanding normative cerebellar connectivity and quantifying the impact of stroke. I will also touch on some recent work linking interhemispheric functional connectivity to bimanual motor control in older adults.
The following posters will be presented:10:45am-10:50amMeasurement of Centre of Pressure using the Wii Balance Board in Older Adults with Simulated Visual ImpairmentPresented by: Berkley Peterson10:50am-10:55amDifference in symptom burden and distress among cancer patients undergoing antineoplastic treatmentPresented by: Elizabeth Smyth10:55am-11:00amInfluence of Auditory Load and Beat Perception in Rhythmic A...
Safe mobility is vital to the functional independence of older adults. Executive functions such as working memory updating and dividing attention play an increasingly important role in supporting mobility in old age. This talk describes recent studies that examine the influence of cognitive and sensory challenges to complex motor performance. Featured are recent cognitive training and exercise intervention studies designed to target executive functions to improve mobility and cognition in old...
Thursday 13 May, 2021
An innovative workshop aimed to help attendees develop effective presentation skills. Colleen brings a unique actor’s perspective to communicating with an audience. Effective communication starts with self-awareness, authenticity and passion for the message. The key is learning how to convey these elements in a manner that connects and resonates with the audience. This workshop is highly interactive and includes movement, visualization, warm-up exercises, practice presentations and...