Poster session/cocktails
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Dinner 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM (2 hours)
Sub Sessions
Nicholas Gold1, Kevin Jacquet1, Flavia Araujo1, Ryo Niwa2,3, James Bagley1, Angela Quach1, Benjamin Scott1, Knut Woltjen3, Vincent Martin1,41. Centre for Applied Synthetic Biology, Concordia University, Montréal, QC, Canada2. Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan3. Department of Life Science...
The automation of keystone procedures in DNA workflows are fundamental to achieve complete walk-away automation of DNA assembly and cloning workflows in high-throughput. With progress being made on the automation of gene assembly and the setup of miniaturized cloning reactions on acoustic liquid handlers in high throughput, the complete automation of workflows covering the complete process from in-house DNA synthesis to sequence verified plasmids appears within reach. Here we focus on one ...
Out of necessity for rapid COVID-19 testing within Boston University’s community, the Design Automation and Manufacturing Processes (DAMP) Lab helped develop what has been known as the BU Clinical Testing Lab (CTL) for the last two years. Equipped with high-throughput liquid handling robots and a streamlined process, the CTL processed more than 2 million SARS-CoV-2 tests since its inception in 2020. In June 2022, as community testing requirements declined, the DAMP Lab absorbed the CTL to ...
Christopher J. Waite, Matthew Haines, Marko Storch, Paul Freemont.The London Biofoundry, Imperial College London, United Kingdom Cell-free expression (CFE) systems, consisting of the molecular machinery required to reconstitute coupled transcription-translation in vitro, are an invaluable technology across the synthetic biology spectrum, from prot...
Timothy R. Fallon¹,⁶*, Daniel Bryce²,⁶, Jacob Beal³, Jeremy Cahill⁴,⁶, Mark Dörr⁵,⁶ 1=University of California, San Diego, USA2=SIFT LLC, USA3=Raytheon BBN, USA 4=Metamer Labs, USA5=University of Greifswald, Germany6=Bioprotocols Working Group (*=presenterProtocols are of foundational importance to biological research - every researcher implicitly learns ...
Thomas DUIGOU*, Joan HÉRISSON*, Melchior DU LAC, Kenza BAZI KABBAJ, Mahnaz SABETIAZAD, Gizem BULDUM, Olivier TELLE, Yorgo EL MOUBAYED, Pablo CARBONELL, NeilSWAINSTON, Valentin ZULKOWER, Manish KUSHWAHA, Geoff S. BALDWIN, Jean-Loup FAULON. There’s a substantial number of tools released around Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering- related questions and needs. This population of tools is difficult to comprehend and use together, main reasons being complexity and...
Marie-Eve Paquet 1,2, Nizar Chetoui1, Marc Boisvert1, Jean-Nicolas Simard1, Robert Campbell1,3 and Yves De Koninck1,2. 1.Centre de recherche CERVO, 2.Université Laval, 3.University of TokyoOptogenetics, the branch of biotechnology which combines genetic engineering with optics to observe and control the function of genetically targe...
Irene Otero-Murasᵃ , Guillermo Rodrigoᵃ, Alfonso Jaramilloᵃ, Manuel Porcarᵃ, Amparo Pascual-Ahuirᵇ, Diego Orzáezᵇ, Alejandro Vignoniᶜ , Jesús Picóᶜ , Pablo Carbonell ᵃ,ᶜᵃ Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio), Universitat de València-CSIC, 46980 Paterna. ᵇ Institute for Plant Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMCP), UPV-CSIC, Valencia. ᶜ Institute of Industrial Control Systems and Computing (ai2), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), 46022 Valencia, Spain.Abs...
Axayacatl Gonzalez, IDEA Bio , Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology. The University of Queensland. Brisbane, Qld, 4072, Australia, McCubbin, IDEA Bio , Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology. The University of Queensland. Brisbane, Qld, 4072, AustraliaLars Nielsen, IDEA Bio , Australian Institute for Bioengi...
Kealan Exley1, Zofia D. Jarczynska1, Linas Tamošaitis2, Giovanni Schiesaro2, Lars K. Nielsen1, 3, Vijayalakshmi Kandasamy1The Inscripta Onyx platform is revolutionizing microbial strain engineering in synthetic biology. The automated benchtop appliance for genome engineering facilitates rapid large-scale CRISPR editing of S. cerevisiae or E. coli to introduce up to 10,000 edits. Using propr...
Directed evolution is a highly effective strategy to generate proteins with tailored applications such as catalytic selectivity, thermostability, kcat etc. SpeedyGenes is a method of generating bespoke protein libraries through overlaping oligonucleotides. Oligonucleotides are designed computationally and in combination with targeted degenerate codons (CodonGenie) this method can yield very large and yet highly targeted variant l...
Haseong Kim1),2),4) Byung-Kwan Cho1),3) Seong-Goo Lee1),2),4) 1)K-Biofoundryβ, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Daejeon, Republic of Korea2)Synthetic Biology Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon, Republic of Korea3)Department of Biological Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technolo...
Through advanced mechanistic modeling and the generation of large high-quality datasets, machine learning is becoming an integral part of understanding and engineering living systems.Mechanistic and machine learning models can be combined to enable accurate genotype-to-phenotype predictions. We used a genome-scale model to pinpoint engineering targets, efficient library const...