Vanessa McCance
Vanessa McCance has been working at KnowledgeOne since 2014. In that time, she has taken on the roles of Instructional Developer, Content Strategist, and Learning Experience Designer. She now takes on the added title of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Specialist. With a passion for accessible and inclusive learning, she works to create impactful and comprehensive courses and trainings to be used by a variety of learners with diverse needs.
Vanessa graduated from Concordia University with a Master of Arts from the Department of Educational Technology.
Sessions in which Vanessa McCance attends
Friday 23 February, 2024
This session will be focused on Concordia University & the Udemy Business Learning Platform, primarily focusing on keeping pace with changing technology in a Digital World, with a focus on how Concordia learners are currently leveraging technical content to upskill & reskill.
STEM courses are popular but may face limitations in online learning environments. In particular, learners with visual impairments (VI) often struggle since screen readers rarely describe equations or chemical formulas accurately by default.Moreover, alt text is virtually nonexistent in university courses & popular media, especially for charts & graphs.What does the research say about this topic?How does theory work in practice?This workshop will share t...