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Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

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Founded in 1932 with an imperial endowment, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science is the Japan’s sole independent funding agency dedicated to the advancement of science across a wide and diverse spectrum of program initiatives, including the funding of scientific research, the promotion of international scientific exchange, and the reform and internationalization of Japanese universities. JSPS provides stable and steady support for the activities of researchers.

In 2018, JSPS entered its fourth 5-year period of mid-term objectives, which comprise the five pillars upon which JSPS vigorously carries out programs that are essential to the advancement of science. These pillars are 1) Creating diverse genres of world-level knowledge, 2) Fostering the next generation of talented researchers who will take on the challenge of pioneering new knowledge, 3) Enhancing the education and research functions of universities by leveraging their unique strengths, 4) Building a robust international research infrastructure, and 5) Creating a comprehensive base for analyzing science information. As we approach the final year of this five-year period, we are reviewing our 4th mid-term plan as it winds down while considering the roles that JSPS will advance in the next period.

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