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3.3 - Mistake-proof drawing: tracing in stillness

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1:15 PM, Saturday 11 May 2024 (1 hour 15 minutes)
- EV 2.645
Let’s celebrate our and our students’ idiosyncrasies! Come practice a drawing technique showcasing the artist’s unique embodied mark-making while never making a mistake. How? Because there is no such thing! Participants will practice drawing in stillness, a drawing technique done on transparent acetates whereby the user can only see the results when they feel they are done. The session begins with a brief presentation of context of the technique. I discuss the technique’s pedagogical merits and its emphasis on appreciating an artistic endeavour in the moment without focusing on the outcome (process over product). Participants are invited to practice the technique after a short demo. Lastly, examples of its pedagogical and creative potential are provided. This technique is adaptable to all levels (primary, secondary higher ed, community).

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